दुनिया हैरान है ये आदमी 2 ATOM बम फटने पर भी ज़िंदा कैसे बचा (Medical Science Case Analysis)

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दुनिया हैरान है ये आदमी 2 ATOM बम फटने पर भी ज़िंदा कैसे बचा (Medical Science Case Analysis)


Published on Nov 13, 2018

दुनिया हैरान है ये आदमी 2 ATOM बम फटने पर भी ज़िंदा कैसे बचा (Medical Science Case Analysis)

Hello friends, science and scientific research in physics and chemistry and biology helps us understand the true nature of our planet Earth. Since the discovery of radioactive elements that fuse their nucleus to give out energy, researchers have never looked back. But these elements also can be dangerous for humans and human biology because they emit radiation that can cause cancer in humans and animals. There was a big nuclear bomb exploded by America in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Of the all survivers we will hear from tsutomu yamaguchi himself who survived both the explosions! It is shocking to know and some analysis and investigation was done into figuring how it was possible to survive this fission based nuclear explosion. He was rushed to the hospital at the right time and got proper care and treatment for his health to recover.

This event is also based on the facts in real life that we have on records. The explosion was so serious that it caused serious damage to many species of animals and plats and caused mutations. Medical science did it's best to provide relief to the victims based on the technology that time, however that was not enough to stop the casualties.
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