40-50 terrorists killed in JeM chief Masood Azhar's training camp after IAF strikes in Pak's Balakot, says eyewitness

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40-50 terrorists killed in JeM chief Masood Azhar's training camp after IAF strikes in Pak's Balakot, says eyewitness

An Italian journalist spoke to WION and said her source in Balakot said that around 40-50 terrorists were killed and more than 35 got injured after IAF strikes on February 26 targeting JeM terror training camp.

DNA Web Team Mar 3, 2019, 06:35 PM IST

After Pakistan claimed that no one had died in the Indian Air Force strikes and also denied the presence of JeM terror training camps in Balakot, Pakistan, reports by an eyewitness has confirmed that Indian air strikes did cause heavy casualties to the terrorists after IAF bombed the JeM camp...

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