Alisha Chinai got Rs 15,000 for Kajra Re

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Alisha Chinai got Rs 15,000 for Kajra Re

By - Mumbai Mirror, Vickey Lalwani, Updated: Dec 10, 2010, 11:12 IST

But today that sassy voice is silent. Alisha Chinai, has slammed an embargo on Bollywood until it rewrites its copyright rules, thus giving the artiste more bread and butter.

Says Alisha- "I have decided that 'enough is enough' and I want Indians also to share my sentiments." Alisha also finds actors lip-syncing to any singer's voice (i.e. playback) ridiculous.

Do you know that some singers are even singing for free in Hindi films? Hasn't the time come that someone put his foot down and said 'Enough is enough'?

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