An emotional memory-piece of a poem written by abd bundeli decades before

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An emotional memory-piece of a poem written by abd bundeli decades before

An emotional memory-piece of a poem written decades before, was found in an old file incidently. It's here for all interested in English poetry to read,for discovering an emotional past of a life!

I don’t know where is she? But she’s some-where:
She lives in my memories ceaselessly!
She was so nice to me: words can’t express!
She was all-right on every count, I guess!!
I breathe her every moment, day and night:
Her eyes, her smiles, her bossom sensitive-smart!
She was so nice:
My natural choice!
Her incorporeal love and endless faith
In me! Yes, endless faith! As if I was
An angel or a demigod-like a human!
I want to see her once, before I die!
I want to hear her voice, before I die!!
G.R.Prakash / abd bundeli

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