मृत्यु के मुख से खींच कर लाने वाली उत्तम होम्योपैथिक औषधि मृत्यु के मुख से खींच कर लाने वाली उत्तम होम्योपैथिक औषधि Carbo veg personality.
Dr.Santosh Kumar Padhy
Streamed live on Aug 30, 2018
We have started online treatment for different chronic diseases.For acute cases this is absolutely free, but for chronic cases they are chargeable due to complicated way of treatment.
To start this course you have to register your case for detail clinical documentation,& time by time we will guide you by phone and whatsapp by following this file.
Course charges for 1st month which includes 4-5 consultation.
This includes
Case taking
& guidance
DR.Santosh Health Care Berhampur,odisha.
For full course contact on my whatsapp no.