Collective apathy leads to deaths of hapless labourers at construction sites

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Collective apathy leads to deaths of hapless labourers at construction sites

Earlier this week, two labourers working at the construction site of a hotel on Airport Road were killed when marble tiles, which were being moved by some other labourers, fell on them. Police later registered an offence against the office-bearers of the construction company on charges of causing death due to negligence and not taking adequate safety measures at the site.
A police officer, who has served with various police stations in Pune, said the death of labourers at construction sites was the “most neglected” issue of all. “It is neglected by all stakeholders, such as builders, contractors, the labour department, local civic bodies and even police. And it is mainly because these labourers do not have any voices. The police machinery has failed in taking these criminal cases to a logical end. The conviction rate in such cases is also abysmally low”. see more

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