Controversy: No ban on kite flying during Sankranti: Hyd police commissioner clarifies after rumour

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Controversy: No ban on kite flying during Sankranti: Hyd police commissioner clarifies after rumour

"Sankranti itself, is a festival of kites, so how can anybody think of banning it?" Commissioner Anjani Kumar asked.

Hyderabad police commissioner Anjani Kumar on Monday took to social media to dismiss rumours doing the rounds, that kite flying had been banned in the city, on the eve of Sankranti.  

“I want to make it very clear that there is no ban on flying kites. Sankranti itself, is a festival of kites, so how can anybody think of banning it? There is only suggestion and regulation that one should be careful that it should not go into the premises of some religious structures. That is the spirit of the suggestion made by the police,” he said in an audio note.

Opposite News- rumor/confusion in media?

Kite-flying banned during Sankranti festival in Hyderabad
By: PTI | Published: January 12, 2019 11:02 AM
Kite-flying in religious places and thoroughfares have been banned by the police here from January 14 to 15 on the occasion of Sankranti festival.

Kite-flying during Sankranti banned in Hyderabad
Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar, in his order, advised people not to fly kites or allow their children run on roads or climb electric posts to collect tangled kites.

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