Dalits Barred From Entering UP Temple. Priest said those who consume meat or alcohol should not come to the temple

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Dalits Barred From Entering UP Temple. Priest said those who consume meat or alcohol should not come to the temple

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August 24, 2017, 5:53 PM IST

Temple priest Kunwar Bahadur Singh admitted he had banned the entry of dalits by placing the sign-board. He said he was forced to do it because they mostly come to the temple “drunk”. “On a plank we had written that those who are not pure by karma and consume meat or alcohol should not come to the temple, because a Ramayana path is going on here,” he said.

Speaking to ETV News18, deputy district collector Suresh Kumar Mishra assured that proper action will be taken if anyone was found guilty in the case. He said he has sent a team from the revenue department to gather the details. “Proper investigation will be done after investigating the matter. Nobody can stop anyone from entering the temple. It is a crime,” he said... https://www.news18.com/news/india/dalits-barred-from-entering-temple-in-up-told-not-to-step-outside-home-for-10-days-1500651.html

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