“Evil”, “paedophile” Cardinal faces wrath of protesters, they want him to “rot in hell”

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“Evil”, “paedophile” Cardinal faces wrath of protesters, they want him to “rot in hell”

By Vikas Sv | Published: Wednesday, February 27, 2019, 13:45 [IST]

Melbourne, Feb27: Australia's senior most Catholic cleric Cardinal George Pell, who was once among Pope Francis' closest advisors, was convicted of child sex crimes and facing up to 50 years in prison.

Today (February 27), when he arrived in the court for bail, angry protesters confronted the Cardinal outside the County Court of Victoria in Melbourne and raised slogans criticising him. They shouted and called Cardinal George Pell a "maggot" and a "monster". He appeared in court in a last-ditch push for bail while he appeals his historic conviction for child sex crimes.

Cardinal George Pell's heinous child sex crimes:...https://www.oneindia.com/international/

Also Read | Vatican cleric Cardinal Pell convicted of child sex crimes

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