Eyewitness confirms huge number of terrorists killed in IAF strike on JeM camp in Pakistan's Balakot: Report

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Eyewitness confirms huge number of terrorists killed in IAF strike on JeM camp in Pakistan's Balakot: Report

 File Photo:  A Mirage 2000 fighter jet releases bombs during the IAF exercise named "Vayu Shakti 2019" at the Air Force field firing range of Pokhran in Rajasthan. (PTI Photo)

While Pakistan government denied presence of Jaish-e-Mohammed training camp in Balakot and claimed that there was no damage caused by Indian airstrikes, an eyewitness in the area has confirmed that terrorists suffered heavy casualties in the bombing by the Indian Air Force. ..https://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-eyewitness-confirms-huge-number-of-terrorists-killed-in-iaf-strike-on-jem-camp-...

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