Fearing Wrath Of Goddess, Grandson Of Priest Who Stole Dhroupathi Amman Idol To Return It To Madurai Temple

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Fearing Wrath Of Goddess, Grandson Of Priest Who Stole Dhroupathi Amman Idol To Return It To Madurai Temple

He decided to reveal its whereabouts six months ago so that it could be returned to the temple; he attributes misfortunes that have befallen generations of the family to the act of stealing the goddess’s idol.


तमिलनाडु / दादा ने 100 साल पहले चुराई थी दुर्लभ मूर्ति, भगवान के प्रकोप से डरकर पोते ने वापस की

परिवार को झेलने पड़े संकटः मुरुगसेन

According to Murugesan, the 60-year-old grandson of the temple priest, ever since the idol was stolen over a century ago, several generations of the family have suffered. Many members of the family have apparently died because of the "wrath of the goddess", said the report.

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