Hindu Media Bureau: Representing The Hindu Voice Globally

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Hindu Media Bureau: Representing The Hindu Voice Globally

The Sham Sharma Show
Streamed live 14 hours ago

Dhanashree Ramachandran is the Head of Content for the Hindu Media Bureau,  which aims to Strengthen Hindu voice in media by publishing news articles to promote Hindu opinion on issues and affairs supported by educational campaigns and research projects. It also Re-establish authority in representing Hindu philosophies by identifying outlets with less than accurate versions of translation of Sanskrit texts, commentaries and out of context mentions of Hindu traditions that claim to be resources for Hindu philosophies and practices and taking corrective measures.
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More Episodes:
Ye Kya Bakwaas Hai!! Ep. #5:
Answering Dhruv Rathee And Akash Banerjee's HYPOCRISY On Logical Fallacies:
Ye Kya Bakwaas Hai!! | Ep. #1:
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