How Much Do Americans Know About Hinduism? The Curious Hindu
Hindu Media Bureau
Published on Sep 1, 2018
How much do people in the US know about Hinduism, the third largest religion in the world with 1.1 billion adherents worldwide?
Hindu Media Bureau went to Harvard Square in Cambridge MA, and asked random people simple questions about hinduism.
This video is the compilation of their answers.
Where do Hindus come from?
- India
- Indian sub continent
- South America
What is Hinduism?
- A tradition
- A religion
- A type of tradition
- A broad religion
- A polytheistic religion
- Lots of temples and worshipping
- More of a lifestyle than a religion but it can be both.
- Ganesh, elephant god,
- Sabbath day, where they fast and do a different things and events
Can you name any famous Hindus?
What do Hindus Believe?
Everyone agrees; they don't know much about Hinduism
Find out more about Hinduism in modern society in our series: The Curious Hindu.
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