IAF air strikes: Why would Pakistan respond if our planes hit nothing, asks Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa

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IAF air strikes: Why would Pakistan respond if our planes hit nothing, asks Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa

एयर चीफ मार्शल बिरेंद्र सिंह धनोआ PVSMAVSMYSMVMADC

The casualty figure in the air strike on the Balakot camp will be given out by the government, Air Chief Marshal B S Dhanoa said on Monday while asserting that the Indian Air Force does not count the number of dead. Air Chief Marshal cleared all the air on the IAF air strikes. He said "The target has been clearly amplified by Foreign Secretary in his statement. If we plan to hit the target, we hit the target, otherwise why would he (Pak PM) have responded, if we dropped bombs in the jungles why would he respond."... https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/iaf-air-strikes-why-would-pakistan-respond-if-our-planes-hit-nothing-asks-bs-dhanoa/videoshow/68252957.cms

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