IAF displays parts of Amraam missiles as proof that an F-16 attacked Indian military establishment

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IAF displays parts of Amraam missiles as proof that an F-16 attacked Indian military establishment

The Hindu Net Desk FEBRUARY 28, 2019 10:53 IST
UPDATED: MARCH 01, 2019 00:40 IST

Air Force officials showing the evidence during a press conference at the South Block in New Delhi on Thursday   | Photo Credit: R V Moorthy

 Up to political leadership to decide on releasing evidence of Balakot strike success, IAF says.

Pakistan Prime Minster Imran Khan’s announcement — that captured IAF pilot will be released tomorrow as a gesture of peace and the “first step” to open negotiations with India — during a joint session of Parliament came barely an hour after Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that Prime Minister Khan is ready to talk to his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi to de-escalate Indo-Pak tensions. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/...

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