India-Pakistan dogfight: A minute-by-minute account of Abhinandan's air battle

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India-Pakistan dogfight: A minute-by-minute account of Abhinandan's air battle

24 Pakistan jets flew towards India on February 27, 10 of them were F16s
IAF's MiG-21, Su-30 and Mirage 2000 fighter jets were used to counter Pakistan
An Indian MiG-21 shot down an F-16 while the latter was attempted to fly back

On the morning of February 27, 24 fighter jets took off from Pakistan and flew towards India. The group of jets included ten US-made F-16 Fighting Falcons. At exactly 10am, the jets entered Indian airspace, where waiting Indian Air Force fighter jets engaged them in a dogfight.
The developments of February 27 morning lasted 16 minutes, from the time the Pakistani jets took off to the time Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman was hit. India Today TV has accessed minute-by-minute details of the intense dogfight...

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