Indian air strike: IAF pilot Abhinandan choked, beaten, sleep deprived as Pakistan tried to extract sensitive info

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Indian air strike: IAF pilot Abhinandan choked, beaten, sleep deprived as Pakistan tried to extract sensitive info

 BusinessToday.In        Last Updated: March 7, 2019  | 14:00 IST

IAF Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman remained unfazed in the face of danger and torture during his over 60 hour captivity in Pakistan.

He repelled all attempts by the Pakistani interrogators who tried to extract crucial information on Indian troop deployment, sensitive logistics and high-security radio frequencies within the first 24 hours of capturing him from Horra'n village (barely 7 km from the LoC) in Bhimber district of PoK, according to a senior officer debriefing the fighter pilot...

Also Read: IAF Pilot Abhinandan: Wing commander returns home, received by BSF officials

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