KUCH TO JOB HI KARENGE || Naukri Ki Haqeeqat || Truth Behind Job

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KUCH TO JOB HI KARENGE || Naukri Ki Haqeeqat || Truth Behind Job


Mohit Chaurasia
Published on Jan 11, 2019

97% In Job and only 3% in Business.  This questions the very basic education imparted to us by our academic education system. The Mindset and petty in(securities) have caused most people do not attempt at the world of Entrepreneurship and Businesses rather look for petty JOB in the name of Securities and Fixed Salaries. One should remember that Job is temporary Solution for permanent pain while Business is temporary pain for permanent Solution. This Video emphasis on the fact that a job is not the best choice vis-e-vie a Business. Our parents trade their hard-earned money for our education and even go to take debts for our education and when after all the education what are we left with? 40 yrs. of job and a life of EMI’s and numerous problems to deal with. Difference between an entrepreneur and an employee is mainly the Mindset. From childhood, our brains have been trained to be a good employee. Few are the ones who are able to cross these boundaries and become entrepreneurs. This Video aims to inspire the Youth of today to look for a creative solution in the Business.

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