Kashmiri Pundits and their story,history in short.

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Kashmiri Pundits and their story,history in short.

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Kashmir has been a test case for Islam to convert this valley into the epicentre of Islam for 7 centuries now
kashmir's 7 century history against hindus:
shamas-ud-din 1339
sultan sikandar - butshikan drowned 1 lac kashmiris in dal lake and burnt some near rainawari in srinagar known as bhatt mazar
1413 ali shah carried out Chandh dhandh
1477-1496 mir shams ud din iraqi founder of nurbhakhshiya order converted sunni and hindus to shia
iftkar khan, mughal governer of aurangzeb
1720 mullah abdul nabi campaign to persecute
afghan rule 1753-1819 "reigh of brutal tyranny" hindu parents were forced to shave their daughters head to save them from being raped
"musalmano jago, kafiro bhagao"
 by sukanya bhan, reporter
they are not migrants, they are refugees, people are displaced forcibly

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