Lies spread by left historians to keep the Ram Janmabhoomi : Babri Masjid issue burning (Snippet)

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Lies spread by left historians to keep the Ram Janmabhoomi : Babri Masjid issue burning (Snippet)


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Left historians - Irfan Habib, DN Jha, Romila Thapar - had representatives present themselves in court on behalf of the Babri Masjid Action Committee (BMAC). Shockingly these representatives lied through their nose in the Allahabad High Court, so much so that the court had to observe, "The court expresses surprise that in this particular case considering the sensitivity of the dispute, persons claiming to be experts, who were making statements without proper investigations, research or study, instead of helping to create a cordial atmosphere, such actions tended to create more complications, conflict and controversy..."

About the Speaker
Dr. Meenakshi Jain is a Ph.D from Delhi University. She specialises in cultural studies. She is a former Fellow, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library; and presently member of the Governing Council, ICHR.  She is author of The Battle for Rama - Case of the temple at Ayodhya (2017).

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