Lt Gen Vinayak Patankar's thought provoking speech on Kashmir & Indo-Pak Relations (Full Speech)

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Lt Gen Vinayak Patankar's thought provoking speech on Kashmir & Indo-Pak Relations (Full Speech)


The Bharat Project
4.21K subscribers

Lt. Gen. Vinayak Patankar (Retd.) with his erudite speech, dispels many notions about Kashmir and the people of J&K. He also speaks about the huge work done by the Indian army in Kashmir.
He talks about what sets the Indian army apart from it''s Pakistani counterpart.
His deep knowledge about Indo-Pak Relations, charismatic oratory and presence on stage is spellbinding!

The workshop was held at Garware College,Pune on 13th November,2016. It was organised by Sr. Journalist Bhagwan Datar
About 200 Journalists and Journalism Students, Defence and Strategic Studies Students, Researchers and Civil Service Aspirants were in attendance!

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