मेजर गौरव आर्य द्वारा धरा ३७० की वास्तविक कहानी Major Gaurav Arya[Must Watch] explains Present & Future of Kashmir.

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मेजर गौरव आर्य द्वारा धरा ३७० की वास्तविक कहानी Major Gaurav Arya[Must Watch] explains Present & Future of Kashmir.


Defensive Offence
Premiered Aug 10, 2019

Major Gaurav Arya, A Veteran from Kumaon Regiment of Indian Army known for Defending the Kashmir valley from Pakistan & Radical Islamists since day 1 of conflict in Kashmir. From Battle of Budgam to current Anti Insurgency Operations, Kumaun Regiment and it's soldiers have served Kashmir with their blood & valour like no other. Major Gaurav Arya tells his experiences as a soldier who served in the valley and also as a defence analyst who has been talking and interacting with every genuine stakeholder.  He pin points the concerns of an ordinary Kashmiris. He explains the responsibility every Indian has during the current scenario & also gives his message to ordinary Kashmiris who have been facing the great deal of tyranny & corruption in hands of Two Political Families.
Its a must Watch for every Indian..
He can be reached on: https://twitter.com/majorgauravarya

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