Major Gaurav Arya Tells 5 Solutions of Kashmir Problem [MUST WATCH]

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Major Gaurav Arya Tells 5 Solutions of Kashmir Problem [MUST WATCH]


Defensive Offence
Published on Dec 20, 2018

Major Gaurav Arya, A Veteran from Kumaun Regiment known for Defending the Kashmir valley from Pakistan & Radical Islamists since day 1 of conflict in Kashmir. From Battle of Budgam to current Anti Insurgency Operations, Kumaun Regiment and it's soldiers have served Kashmir with their blood & valour like no other. Major Gaurav Arya tells his experiences as a soldier who served in the valley and also as a defence analyst who has been talking and interacting with every genuine stakeholder.  He pin points the concerns of an ordinary Kashmiri. He goes out to explain the 5 key issues gripping Kashmir in Chaos and Gives 5 practical Solutions.

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