NASA’s TESS Discovers First Earth-Sized Alien World, 53 Light Years Away

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NASA’s TESS Discovers First Earth-Sized Alien World, 53 Light Years Away


Published on Apr 18, 2019

-          NASA’s new planet-hunting brainchild, the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), has just discovered its first exoplanet, circling in close proximity to a star named HD 21749

-          The star in question is situated 53 light years away from us, and is roughly 80 percent the mass of the Sun

-          The fact that the newly discovered world circles its star very closely, and scientists would assume that it is a potentially inhabitable world, at least for life in the way we know it

-          The newly discovered planet circles the star HD 21749 and has roughly the same size as Earth

-          The new planet, on this note, lies in very close proximity of its star, and completes one full orbit around the HD 21749 star in 7.8 Earth days

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