Over 700 million email IDs/ passwords leaked in public, check here to see if your email exposed or not

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Over 700 million email IDs/ passwords leaked in public, check here to see if your email exposed or not


This is one of the biggest digital data breaches ever.

The files containing compromised emails found by Troy Hunt, a researcher in Australia.

After cleaning data Hunt has put it in Have I been Pwned tool so people can search for their email id.

Troy says it is one of the biggest data dumps he has found.

Over 2 billion emails and passwords have been found floating on the web. Only 700 million of these seem to be unique but it is still one of the biggest data breaches and you must check if your email has been compromised or not.

डेटा लीक / वेबसाइट का दावा: दुनियाभर के 77 करोड़ से ज्यादा ईमेल एड्रेस हैक, 2.1 करोड़ पासवर्ड लीक

साइबर सिक्योरिटी रिसर्चर ट्रॉय हंट ने दावा किया है कि दुनियाभर के 77.3 करोड़ ईमेल एड्रेस और 2.1 करोड़ पासवर्ड हैक हुए हैं।

कलेक्शन में 12 हजार से ज्यादा फाइलें उपस्थित 

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