Sambhaji fought close to 150 battles but remained unbeaten in all of these

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Sambhaji fought close to 150 battles but remained unbeaten in all of these

Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj Balidan Divas: 10 Facts About the Brave Maratha Hero That Makes Him Legendary
FESTIVALS EVENTS Team Latestly  Mar 11, 2019 09:11 AM IST

...Sambhaji's death was a brutal one, but it also reflects his courage and character. Aurangzeb captured Sambhaji and his adviser Kavi Kalash. They were humiliated and made to wear clown's clothes, and they were subjected to torture before death. The process which took over a fortnight, included plucking out their eyes and tongue, pulling out their nails, and removing their skin...

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