The exodus of Hindus from the Srinagar valley

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The exodus of Hindus from the Srinagar valley

Published on Sep 19, 2018

Last year Kashmir had a population of one lakh forty thousand (1,40,000) Hindus. In the last 6 months, more than one lakh Hindus have fled their homes with just their clothes on their backs. Several pockets of Hindu population have become a ghost town. There were numerous pressures that forced these Hindus to leave. Children had no schools to go to, colleges had closed, weeks of curfew had converted homes into prisons often without electricity, water and food. But most of all, it was the tension of being a minority in an increasingly fanatical atmosphere where the very air they breathed was laid with violence and fear. They had to leave secured jobs, sometimes of 20 years. Established business running for generations and even the properties and orchards for a blank certain future with marginal help from the government. Why they asked, should we be refugees in our own country?

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