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The Right philosophy of Life
“We should cultivate our Garden” The most alluring and appealing thing in life is undoubtedly life. Life is really very beautiful and bountiful, if you understand it but is not a perennial companion. All good things come to an end and life is no exception. Life is a journey from cradle to grave. The sandwiched period between cradle and grave is the essence of life. Birth is not in our hand, even death is not but living is. It all depends on person that whether he makes his life worth living or worthless living. The question of the hour is that – How to make living worth? The answer is enveloped in the philosophy of life. Worthy living is the matter of choice not chance. The choice of the right philosophy is the ladders to gather worth of life. Philosophy simply means an idea or belief i.e. something abstract. It is a way of living. Every man has his own philosophy. Countless philosophies prevail and they vary from person to person. Among the innumerable philosophies there are some, which are really worth knowing. Hedonism Hedonism means the life of happy-go-lucky chap. A person who never takes life seriously is labeled as Hedonist. He believes in the custom of Eat, drink and the merry for tomorrow we may dies. Such people are not bothered about past and future as they life in present. They think past is a history; future is a mystery and present is a present or gift, so they should enjoy. They think that past is past and present is vast. Optimism Optimism means positive-thinking. A person who sees the sunny side of the life is called as optimistic. They believe that when you are drowning enjoy bathing. Generally optimistic persons are staunch believer of God. They think that if God is in the heaven every thing is fine with the world. They will never say, ‘O God! I have a big problem.’ They will say’ O problem! I have a big God.’ Pessimism Pessimism means negative thinking; pessimists believe that life is nothing but tragedy. Life is a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing. Adam and Eve were guilty of sin and the posterity is forced to suffer. In philosophical terminology it can be put in the following manner. ‘ I wept when I was born and today I know why? Life is like an onion, we cry while peeling it such persons who see the darker side of life are known as pessimists. For them life is not better than hell rather hell may be better than life. Earth is not the right place to live and therefore it is better to escape in the newer world i.e. the world of death. These pessimists are the escapists. Realism Realism strongly believes that there is neither optimism nor pessimism. There is no positive thinking, no negative thinking but there is realistic or rationalistic thinking. Life is all about pleasure and pain. After a sad day, there is always a glad day. The world is full of opposites and these opposites are complementary to each other. Once cannot prepare an omelet without breaking an egg. So, creation needs destruction. Realists believe that heaven and hell exist on earth only. Your sweat will earn sweet for you and then you are in the seventh heaven. On the other hand, your laziness will earn lamentation for you and you would be like a fish out of water. On the contrary life is the dictionary where one can find the worth to compensate the dearth. Life is a friend, guide and philosopher that directs in the physical and the spiritual development of a human being. In short one has to pull his own weight to survive in the contemporary situation. The punch line of realism is that – ‘We should cultivate our garden.’ Instantly start, sell, manage and grow using our wide range of products & services like payments, free online store, logistics, credit & financing and more across mobile & web. ![]() Personals ================================= चारों वर्णों की समानता और एकता ================ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः, सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद् दुःख भाग्भवेत्। ऊँ शांतिः शांतिः शांतिः |
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