Why Breakups hurt so much? - Love and Relationships Advice (Hindi)

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Why Breakups hurt so much? - Love and Relationships Advice (Hindi)

About Video:
In this inspiring video on love and relationships, Him-eesh has tried to answer a general query about managing love and relationships. Breakups do hurt, and at times, they are extremely painful. This video focuses on one of the reason of hurt in love break ups. This video blog about love and relationship advice regarding breakups mentions about importance factor in relationships. It is very important to understand the difference between only important and most important. If a person is only important to you, then you depend on that person for your hundred percent of happiness and when you lose that person, you feel isolated and depressed. But if that person is most important and you also have other interests in life, which give you happiness, then you can avoid a lot of pain in relationships. This Hindi Inspirational video talks about it in detail.

Video Blog  by Him-eesh Madaan (Motivational Speaker, Life Coach and a Writer)

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