Why is India’s most literate state Kerala producing the most ISIS terrorists

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Why is India’s most literate state Kerala producing the most ISIS terrorists

By Vicky Nanjappa | Published: Saturday, June 8, 2019, 12:06 [IST]

... Basheer, a resident of Kerala, who was studying aeronautical engineering and was part of the extremist faction of the Students Islamic Movement of India had organised a convention in Bombay. Later it was found that this was a convention sponsored by Pakistan to create a liaison between the Khalistan terrorists and the SIMI. Pakistan had brought in Lal Singh, who was part of the Khalistan movement...

... The plan did not work out and two years later Dawood Ibrahim helped bomb the Bombay Stock Exchange. ...

... Kerala is a ticking time bomb and it should not be allowed to explode...

Read more at: https://www.oneindia.com/india/why-is-indias-most-literate-state-kerala-producing-the-most-isis-terrorists-2901856.html

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