World Hypertension Day 2019: These Spices May Help In Regulating Blood Pressure

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World Hypertension Day 2019: These Spices May Help In Regulating Blood Pressure

The recent wave of modern, sedentary lifestyle has given rise to a number of health and lifestyle issues. Hypertension that stems from stressful and fast-paced living is one such problem that people are struggling with these days. Hypertension is caused when the blood pressure shoots up beyond the top range, which is placed at 140/90. High blood pressure does not show any immediate threat but if it does not subside and remains high for a long period of time, it can lead to many serious ailments like heart attack and heart stroke. On the occasion of World Hypertension Day, which is being celebrated across the globe today, on May 17, we strive to bring more awareness on tips to tackle this grave issue.

Thankfully, there are various foods in our regular diet that can help in alleviating hypertension. If you or your loved one is suffering from hypertension, it's important to learn about these foods that contain certain properties that help  maintain blood pressure at an optimal level.

Here are some spices commonly found in our homes that are known to effectively fight hypertension -

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