YouTube Deleted My (The Sham Sharma Show ) Video - Full Story | YouTube Censorship

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YouTube Deleted My (The Sham Sharma Show ) Video - Full Story | YouTube Censorship


The Sham Sharma Show
Premiered 2 hours ago

I recently uploaded a video about how the headscarf is not some symbol of freedom and empowerment. And YouTube just deleted the video, saying it violates their hate speech policies. I didn't even call for a ban on the headscarf because I believe that people should have the freedom to wear whatever they want. I also received a couple of emails from anonymous accounts after the Hasan Minhaj video about reporting my account and getting it shut down, so that may explain it as well.
It's incredible that there are race baiters like Molyneux and genuine religious bigots like Zakir Naik with close to a million followers each and a verified tick, and YouTube feels the need to target a tiny channel like mine, delete my video and threaten to shut my channel down.
I will publish the full video on YouTube and Instagram and you guys can make up your minds about if I ever called for any violence or hatred towards Muslims in the video.
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