केरल: यौन शोषण मामले में मौलाना गिरफ्तार, वर्षों से बच्चों को बना रहा था हवस का शिकार Yusuf told the police that his first victim, a girl, was the daughter of a man who had sexually abused him and that he'd committed the crime as an act of revenge.

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केरल: यौन शोषण मामले में मौलाना गिरफ्तार, वर्षों से बच्चों को बना रहा था हवस का शिकार Yusuf told the police that his first victim, a girl, was the daughter of a man who had sexually abused him and that he'd committed the crime as an act of revenge.

केरल नन रेप केस भी काफी चर्चाओं में है।  इस मामले में केरल पुलिस की एसआइटी ने जालंधर डायोसिस के पूर्व बिशप फ्रैंको मुलक्कल के खिलाफ दो हजार पेज की चार्जशीट दायर की थी।

A 63-year-old madrassa teacher was arrested for sexually assaulting students for as long as 38 years.

Read more at: https://www.deccanherald.com/national/kerala-madrassa-teacher-held-for-sexually-abusing-kids-737695.html

 AIIA chief Rashidi seeks strict punishment to madrassa teacher for abusing minors

Accused was a victim of child sexual abuse
How Yusuf was exposed

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