durgagawdestudio "Visit my profile for context: #MeToo #StandUpForYourself #LockUpBrianFranco "

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durgagawdestudio "Visit my profile for context: #MeToo #StandUpForYourself #LockUpBrianFranco "

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To all the Humans of the world, I am a Sculptor, Activist, Drag King and Educator from India. I was on my way to a petrol pump on my bike in Saligao, Goa, I saw a man (his name is Brian Franco which I later learnt). He was talking on the phone while riding his scooter and almost crashed into my bike. To which I asked him to get off his phone he started to verbally abuse me, basically saying, ‘ Who am I to tell him what to do?’ I did not want to engage, I drove away. He stalked me and cornered my bike such that I had to stop. He threw my bike keys away and started to hit my bike to intimidate me. I was not scared, I looked straight into his eyes. He then proceeded to grab my crotch and threw my phone saying, ‘ What will you do now?”. That is when I had had it. I couldn’t let someone molest me, I gave him a tight slap and what happened after that you saw in the video. A caring by-stander made the video and after I felt in a frenzy, the by-stander followed me and gave me the video and urged me to go to the cops. I went to the Saligao police station and showed the cops the video. To my surprise Brian Franco showed up at the police station complaining that I had hit him and ripped his clothes. I defended myself with pride. In that moment I wasn’t scared, not because I am strong and not because I had the ability to tackle someone 3 times my size, but only because the sad truth is this is not the worst that’s happened to me. I have been facing sexual abuse since I was a child and in so many ways but our judicial system is pitted against the inflicted, so is our culture. I had had enough and I fought back because someone like him did not scare me enough to choke up, but I have choked up in the past, not knowing how to say no, not knowing how to fight back, not knowing if I could fight back. There are so many others like him in this world. This is not about being a man, woman, trans, genderfluid, goan, Indian, it’s not about being an insider or outsider, it’s about being human. He is out on bail. He needs to be locked up. Help me by sharing this video. #metoo #standupforyourself #lockupbrianfranco #therainbowrevolution

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